bernardo sedlacek


Close-Up Gala

Bernardo Sedlacek started in magic at the age of 7. Since then, he found time between and after classes at school to immerse himself in the universe of magic.

At the age of 13, he met one of the best card magicians in the world, Dani DaOrtiz from Spain. After this experience, he started studying profoundly the psychological, theoretical, and philosophical parts of magic, and after years, even started developing his own ideas on these subjects.

Filled with that profound knowledge, he has lectured about psychology, theories, and philosophy in magic for magicians in over 20 countries on 4 continents, such as Argentina, Spain, Japan, Finland, Guatemala, and UK.

Also, he has lectured for psychologists from USP (University of São Paulo) and performed in Princeton University for some of the world’s most renowned scientists.

Bernardo Sedlacek also became known among the magicians for his amazingly strong magic, unique style, creativity (which lead him to create hundreds of new magic pieces), and extreme card skills.

Being able to understand French and Italian and also being fluent in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, his native language, this “diamond” that outshines magicians and impresses spectators around the world has performed in 20+ countries, acting side-by-side with many of the world’s greatest magicians.

Sedlacek has been invited to perform in the world’s biggest and most prestigious magic conventions, such as FLASOMA (FISM Latin America), FISM North America and FISM, considered the Olympics of magic.

He also has been the only first and only brazilian invited to the most prestigious – invitational-only – conventions such as Numisminds (40 best coin magicians in the world), Jornadas del Escorial (world 50 best card magicians), and FFFF convention (250 of the world‘s best close-up magicians).

Bernardo has won the prize “Breakthrough Magician” in 2011 from CBI (Circulo Brasileiro de Ilusionismo), the oldest magic association in Brazil. The young performer has been two times “Magician of the Month” in 2014 from IMS (International Magic Society), the biggest magic association in the world, won the first prize in “magic knowledge competition” organized by the association MiR (Magic in Rio) in 2015 and have been a part of the Guinness World Record for “most magicians in a magic show” in 2015.