mr david

mr david

Street Magic One Man Show

Mister David, as the press defines him, is the “Houdini of the circus” — an extreme tightrope walker, circus performer, and illusionist. Davide Demasi, known as Mister David in the art world, graces stages and squares worldwide with his escape acts from chains, straitjackets, and handcuffs while balancing on tall unicycles. A record holder for rope jumps on a unicycle, he frequently appears on Italian and international television. He holds a Guinness World Record and is a “Street Magic World Champion.”

Recently, he successfully participated in Italy’s Got Talent, Romania’s Got Talent, and Bulgaria’s Got Talent. He appeared on Detto Fatto on RAI 2, won an episode of “Si può fare” on Rai Uno, acting as a coach for celebrities, and performed a grand escape in front of 10,000 people in Piazza Castello in Turin.

He’s a one-man show, a variety act, a magician, a juggler, a tightrope walker, an escapologist, a comedian. Who knows, maybe he can sing too.